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Hey friend, I need you to know something.   Those expectations that tell you you’re behind, that your timeline is off, that make you feel unworthy, like you’re failing? They’re completely and totally made up. That’s right. Made up by society, culture, even our families.   And if you’ve ever needed evidence that this is […]

The truth about the expectations that tell you you're behind |

Shifting Perspective

You own your timeline: The truth about the expectations that tell you you’re behind

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I’ve been a ruminator for as long as I can remember.   In high school, I’d lie awake at night thinking about all that could go wrong the next day. As I grew older, I realized that by ruminating on what could be, some part of me believed I could prevent it from happening. Surely, […]

How to break free of ruminating thoughts |

Becoming You

How to break free of ruminating thoughts

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“At least you have a husband.”   Yep. I’ve said it. Probably more times than I can count. Maybe not out loud, but certainly in my mind. Someone is telling me a frustration or challenge they’re having with their spouse, and the whole time I’m labeling them as ungrateful. You have exactly what I want, […]

Grace over comparison: Why we don't need to compare our pain for it to be valid |

Shifting Perspective

Grace over comparison: Why we don’t need to compare our pain for it to be valid

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“It’s never going to happen for me.”   How many times have you had this thought when you found out that someone else was getting married, or even just got a boyfriend? This thought that because someone else has what you hope for, it can’t or for some reason won’t happen for you now? Honestly, […]

The truth about someone else getting what you want |

Let's Talk Singleness

The truth about someone else getting what you want

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So there’s something that you want.   Maybe even something that you’re working hard toward. You’re scrolling through Instagram, and BAM. Right there, before your eyes, you see someone else has it or has done it first. What’s your first thought? I’ll be honest. My immediate instinct, the second I realize someone else already has […]

How to restore hope when you doubt what's possible |

Shifting Perspective

How to restore hope when you doubt what’s possible

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I used to believe I had to hate my singleness if I ever wanted to get married.   It made sense, somehow, that if I was content being single, there would be no reason for me to have a husband, or need one. In fact, more than anything, I worried that being content meant that […]

Permission to enjoy life today: How joy in today and hope for tomorrow can coexist |

Let's Talk Singleness

Permission to enjoy life now: How joy in today and hope for tomorrow can coexist

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I’m going to tell you a (not so) secret.   I never planned or wanted to write about singleness. I especially never wanted to experience singleness for so long that I have THIS MUCH to say about it. But do you know why I’m grateful for it? Why I love it? Because blogs, books, resources, […]

Why the next generation needs to see women thriving in singleness |

Let's Talk Singleness

Why the next generation needs to see women thriving in singleness

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“I’ll do that when I’m married.”   That was my mantra for years. “That will be better, more worth it with a husband, so I’ll just wait for him.” I remember specifically feeling that way when I decided I wanted to run a marathon. It wasn’t so much that I needed a guy to run […]

Life doesn't start on your wedding day: Encouragement to live life today |

Let's Talk Singleness

Life doesn’t start on your wedding day: Encouragement to live life today

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“If I just had a husband, this would be so much easier.”   That’s what I used to think when it came to any of my life goals that required something from me that didn’t come naturally, or that just didn’t seem readily available. Skills I need to own a business, companions to travel with, […]

A husband is not a solution: Encouragement for pursing your goals when single |

Let's Talk Singleness

A husband is not a solution: Encouragement for pursuing your goals when single

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If you knew you would get married tomorrow, what would you savor today?   It’s easy to dream about what we look forward to in marriage. (trust me, I have a long list.) Those things readily come to mind the moment we find ourselves longing for the day that hope becomes a reality. But what […]

If you knew you would get married tomorrow, what would you savor today? |

Let's Talk Singleness

If you knew you would get married tomorrow, what would you savor today?