i'm here to help you start living a life you love today, no waiting for "someday" required.

I'm Laura

Hey there!


here's the real story

i married the love of my life when i was 22. we met and were married 3 days later, just like a hallmark movie. it was perfection.

I grew up in one of those small towns they write country songs about. You know the ones I mean. We had Drive Your Tractor to School Day, and cow pie bingo (don’t even ask), and I spent far more time barefoot than in shoes. And like many small rural towns everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, got married to their high school or college sweetheart.  So naturally, I expected to follow suit. I found myself a nice fella (ok I’m not THAT country) two months into freshman year of college and figured that was it.

And then senior year, I got...DUMPED

so i started untangling my limiting beliefs about singleness.

since then, i've lived a story that blows my own mind.

Um, excuse me. THIS WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN. I honestly felt like I had failed somehow. Not to mention I had never seen a single woman live a full and amazing life. So I settled into the belief that until I got married, my life would just be mediocre, at best. But then it became clear I’d be single sliiiiightly longer than I expected (little did I know it would be 10 years longer and counting!). I realized that if I didn't start living my life right then, single or not, my life might pass me by unlived.

The ones I had grown up believing. The ones that said you had to have a man to pursue your dreams, or that life starts on your wedding day, or that singleness means you’re somehow “behind”. As I dug into where those beliefs came from, I realized they were, quite frankly, BS (there’s honestly no better way to describe it). Ditching those old beliefs empowered me to start believing what might ACTUALLY be possible for me as a single woman, and I became free to fall in love with my life.

From standing on a glacier in Iceland, to starting my own business, to living abroad, to simply enjoying every day in my own company, I’m living a story younger-me would have never thought possible.

That’s why I became a life coach. It’s my heart and my passion to help other single women find the truth that I’ve found. To believe in what’s possible for them. To show the WORLD what’s possible for them.

what i believe:

Your story is uniquely yours and doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s

We can change the way the world thinks about singleness, starting with how WE think about singleness 

You can be both in love with your life as a single and still desire marriage (afterall, you can swipe dating apps WHILE on a solo trip to Paris, you feel me?!)

what you won't find here:

Someone asking you “Why are you still single?” (you get that enough from Aunt Barb at Thanksgiving)

How to “prepare for marriage” or "wait well"; we're going all-in on living right now.

Anyone telling you that your singleness is something to be solved (#itsnotaproblem)

Helping people discover what's actually holding them back and start taking action that gets real results

Making Friends (the tv show) references every chance I get.

The MANY career paths I tried before this one. Can you say - social worker/data analyst/project manager/HR professional?

Challenging the status quo and empowering women to own their non-traditional stories and timelines

What I’m known for:

— eleanor roosevelt

"do one thing every day that scares you"

words i live by


favorite tv show

always have


obsessed with

my cat, ella!

little detail

fresh flowers

I'm a little crazy about...

favorite book

guernsey literary and potato peel pie society

work with laura

the life you've been waiting for.

Get ready to start living